Each week, we will pick two bands, groups or singer/songwriters that we think you should listen to simply because we are temporarily obsessed with them. You may like them, you may not. You may have no idea who they are or you may be tired of hearing about them. Either way, we like them, and it is our blog so we get to decide what goes on it.The Format
I know Andy did a feature on these guys earlier, but I wanted to feature them in this weekly segment because I've been listening to them a lot recently. I recommend picking up their newest album, Dog Problems. It is full of great pop songs that will have you singing and dancing along in no time. I've seen this Arizona based group once (opening for Motion City Soundtrack) and have been hooked ever since. Also take the time to check out their website, it's tons of interactive fun.
The Format - "I'm Actual" (m4a)
The Format - "Oceans" (m4a)
Citizen Cope
Citizen Cope (aka Clarence Greenwood) is a talented singer/songwriter, guitarist, keyboardist and record producer that lives up in Brooklyn, NY. His songs couple highly political and social lyrics with great beats and infectious grooves. The song above, "Bullet and a Target" is on his earlier album, The Clarence Greenwood Recordings. His newest release, Every Waking Moment, is just as extraordinary, featuring the single "Back Together." Pick up both and check out his website.
Citizen Cope - "Bullet and a Target" (m4a)
Citizen Cope - "Back Together" (m4a)
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