Thursday, March 1, 2007

Shit You Should Know...But Have Probably Never Heard

Mike Willis
With his new band, The Escape Artists, this Atlanta based singer/songwriter has released his second full length album, Holding My Breath, which is essentially a copy of his first solo album, In the Red, with a band and a few new songs added. Willis has an awesome soulful voice and writes songs drenched with passion and emotion. His fast-strumming acoustic style adds a sense of urgency that conflicts with the laid back country feel of the songs. Rather than completely changing the original songs, The Escape Artists add depth and color to the Willis originals, making In the Red seem like the rough draft to Holding My Breath.

Both albums are well worth a listen and, if you're feeling generous, a purchase.

Mike Willis - "Lighthouse" (m4a)
Mike Willis and the Escape Artists - "She Comes Around" (mp3)

Roman Candle
This Chapel Hill group has been creating a buzz in the underground/indie/whatever the hell you want to call it, circuit with the release of their new album, The Wee Hours Revue, released in 2006. Paste Magazine named the album the 38th best record of 2006 and local magazine The Independent named their CD release party as one of the best live shows of the year. I haven't gotten a chance to see them live, but I'm in love with the songs I've been able to get my hands on. I figure since they're from around here, I'll get to see them sooner rather than later.

Roman Candle - "Winterlight" (mp3)
Roman Candle - "Something Left to Say" (mp3)

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