Friday, February 9, 2007

Music Video of the Day: "Stairway to Heaven"...on Sousaphone?

This may be unbelievably sacrilegious, but as a sousaphone player (yeah, I'm not afraid to admit I'm a band dork) and a Led Zeppelin fan I had to post this video. The sound quality is really bad and his tone isn't the best, but that's mostly because he is using multi-phonics (sounding two notes at the same time), which is incredibly hard to do. You'll notice the multi-phonics when he plays the two guitar parts. There are also videos of him doing other songs, like "Don't Bring Me Down,"
in which he uses the multi-phonics to play the main melody and the vocals at the same time.

You have to give the guy credit, he has some talent.

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